Connecting the Healing Community

We match acupuncturists and massage therapists with doctor’s offices for long-term work and temporary shift coverage.

Foot massage in spa salon

A More Efficient, Flexible Model

Acupuncturists and massage therapists are always looking to fill their schedules. Doctor’s offices and therapists always need shift coverage. But there was never a simple way for both sides to connect. Now, Point Break Acupuncture has created a centralized platform to bring the healing community together in a way that works for everyone.

Therapists on our platform become W2 employees of Point Break Acupuncture while enjoying the flexibility to seek work at multiple offices. At the same time, office managers won’t have to scramble to find temporary coverage or long-term replacements. They also avoid the administrative overhead of hiring and managing staff.

Benefits to Therapists

Benefits to Doctor’s Offices


Joseph Pantiliano, LAc, LMT

Joseph founded Point Break Acupuncture when he saw acupuncturists, massage therapists, and doctor’s office managers struggling with shift coverage. Now, they have a reliable, centralized platform for connecting and working together. Joseph also owns and operates Point Break Acupuncture as a brick-and-mortar Chinese medicine practice in Little Ferry, NJ.

Joseph has a Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine from South Baylo University in Anaheim. He studied acupuncture, massage, cupping, and herbs at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego and New York and earned bachelor’s degrees in history and geography from Rowan University.


Get Connected

Service Throughout New Jersey. Coming Soon to New York and Pennsylvania.

If you’re an acupuncturist or massage therapist who would like help finding work, or you’re an office manager looking to provide these services without hiring staff, please fill out the form. We’ll answer your questions and explain how our service benefits both sides!

Sign Up Today

Are You Signing Up as a Therapist or are you looking to hire a therapist?
Have questions for us before signing up? Fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch ASAP!